How To Crochet The Spider Stitch

The Spider Crochet Stitch
The Spider crochet stitch makes a delicate gentle texture, but is a hole free stitch. It’s a great stitch for any project needing a delicate texture, but be warned it is a slow stitch to make. It also looks great with a single row of a different colour, adding a zigzag of colour to the Spider stitch piece.

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This how to guide is part of Froggity Frog’s Stitch Vault collection. Have you seen all the other stitches in there? You can take a look here all the guides are free to access and maybe you will discover some new stitches to create for yourself.

I first used the Spider stitch as one of the squares in my 50 Stitches crochet along pattern. The Spider stitch is a hole free stitch that uses single crochet stitches. So it is a slow stitch to make and the texture is really delicate and flat to the touch. The fabric this stitch makes is quite dense as the stitches lie close together, so it makes for really warm and cosy crochet items without them being overly thick.

As the Spider stitch is a slow stitch to make, I would definitely recommend using it with a really chunky yarn if you plan on making a larger crochet item like a blanket, wrap or shawl. But smaller items like ear warmers, placemats and baby items would be ideal if you want to make the Spider stitch with thinner yarn like DK / Light Worsted weight.

This stitch looks great in a single solid yarn colour, but I think it would also look fabulous made with rows of a contrasting colour too, as these lines of colour would be quite thin and would look like little dashes across the fabric.

The yarn I used in this stitch guide is Stylecraft Cotton Classique DK, a 100% cotton yarn. It’s a non mercerised cotton that is lovely and soft, but it can get a bit splitty if you frog it a couple of times. It does makes lovely cosy blankets though and is the yarn that got me hooked on cotton as my fibre of choice. I think I first got a ball of this yarn in a mystery bag I got off ebay, and it was a great yarn discovery for me.

I also used my trusty Clover Amour hooks which are perfect if you are looking for a good value ergonomic crochet hook that won’t cause your hand to ache if you are crocheting for long periods of time. I’ve tried many different crochet hooks over the years, but I always end up coming back to my trusty Clovers. They just sit so well in my hand and never let me down.

The Spider stitch square

The Spider Stitch Pattern

This stitch guide is written in US terms.


  • Ch = Chain
  • Sk = Skip
  • St = Stitch
  • Sc = Single Crochet

To make the Spider stitch, start with a foundation chain of 2 plus 2 (plus 1 for your turning chain)

Row 1. In the 3rd chain from your hook make a sc (your turning chain counts as the first stitch of the row). Chain 1 and make a sc into the same stitch as the previous sc. Skip the next chain and then *in the next stitch make (sc, chain 1, sc) all in the same stitch*

Repeat between *and* when you have 2 chains left, skip 1 and make a sc in the last chain of the row.

Your row1 should look like the picture below. Your chains will look like little bumps between your single crochet stitches.

The order your stitches are made in


Row 2. Turn and chain 1. Make a sc in the first stitch. In the first chain space in the row below make (sc, chain 1, sc) all in the same stitch. *In the next chain space make (sc, chain 1, sc) all in the same stitch*. Repeat between *and* and then to finish the row make a sc in the last stitch of the row.

If you are finding it awkward to keep track of the chain spaces that you need to work your stitches into, then I recommend marking them with stitch markers as you go. Keeping your tension loose when making your chains will help with this issue too as this will make your chains bigger and more easy to spot.

Spider Stitch row 2


Repeat row 2 until you have the number of rows that you need for your project. Then you can cut off, weave in your ends and admire your lovely handy work.

You can find more free crochet stitch guides here in Froggity Frog’s stitch vault. Come on over to our Facebook group – Froggity Frog’s Ribbit And Stitch and show us what you made with the Spider stitch. I’d love to see what you created. 

Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know about new stitch guides and new crochet pattern releases. You can sign up here and be the first to see what I’ve got cooking behind the scenes here at Froggity Frog.


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